Saturday, January 26, 2019

Daniel Fast with Kids

Some have asked about what we dinner looks like for Asquared as Rance and I are doing the Daniel Fast corporately with our church.
First of all the girls are on a modified version of the fast because to be honest I am not willing to cook two separate meals daily. Asquared is still eating bread, snacks and cheese but they haven't had any meat. We also are working on teaching them The Lord's Prayer. Also asking them what are some things that they want to pray about. They amaze me of how they think of others. Especially their grandparents. 💜

Here are some of the dinner meals that we have had that Asquared would eat.

3 Bean Chili (black, white and dark red kidney beans)
Black beans and corn tacos
Guacamole and homemade corn chips
Black bean and cheese tacos
Broccoli, mushrooms, brown rice with soy sauce (salt,pepper, Ginger to taste) Asquared won't eat the mushrooms so I picked them out
Baked Potatoes
Brown Rice Spaghetti Pasta with crushed tomatoes and basil, spinach and mushrooms.

Even though Addisyn is 5 (almost 6) and Abbye is 7, it is not too early for them to learn about prayer and fasting. They probably don't understand everything, but talking to them about it shows me they are learning.

You shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up.
Deuteronomy 11:19 NASB

Thursday, January 3, 2019

New Me, New Year

Wow. I have not written since 2015. I'm wondering what caused me to stop. Oh I know. Straight disobedience and fear of reactions!

Well I'm back. January 3, 2019

I'm not sure how often I will write but I do know that I have been disobedient about starting back again. Honestly I typically do not want to offend anyone so instead of saying anything I have learned to remain silent. I've learned that is not what God has called me to do.

Last year my word for the year was change and man did I experience CHANGE! This year my words are fearless and obedience.

So I sincerely apologize for my disobedience because I am sure by me holding back that caused someone not to learn from my experiences.

New Year, New Me. That's the thing in the new Year, right? Well that is all fine, but remember to do your part.

Pray about what your goals should be before determining your goals.

Live in community with people who can hold you accountable.


Talk to you all soon.